Why are you invovled with iConquerMS?
I am involved with iConquerMS because of their commitment to finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis and amplifying the patient experience. The name resonated with me instantly. It is empowering to know I can conquer MS by actively participating in the research and science that will change the trajectory of life for people with MS.
What is one thing you have learned or discovered about yourself from having MS?
The one thing I’ve learned from having MS is that I am resilient. MS requires a different version of myself daily. At times I must surrender my will and make space for this constant companion. I meet each challenge with faith, hope and grit.
What advice would you give someone who is newly diagnosed?
My advice to the newly diagnosed is to take the time you need to process your diagnosis, learn as much as you can, work closely with your healthcare providers and utilize your support system. Remember you are your best advocate and your story matters. There is life after an MS diagnosis. Never lose hope.
Learn more about Teresa and what her latest projects are here.